About Marma Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Formulation Composed of Herbal Extracts to Provide Persistent Relief from Cough Caused Due to Various Respiratory Allergies Kantaka Syrup is the best Ayurvedic cough syrup made of a pure combination of Ayurvedic herbs. The syrup works to break, liquefy, and eliminate the ‘Kapha’ that is majorly responsible to cause various respiratory allergies. This liquefication, in turn, helps to ease cough without causing any sort of dizziness and keeping the patient active and alert all throughout. If the cough is hampering your daily routine, be it chronic, allergic, or of any other etiology, Kantaka Syrup works wonders. The causes of cough can be many; be it respiratory allergies, nasal decongestion, bronchial allergy, tonsillitis, laryngitis, or pharyngitis, this Ayurvedic medicine for cough is suitable for all age group